Looking for additional Resources? Check out all the ones beloW!
Featured Links
Chris Wynn- documentary filmmaker: cawynn.wordpress.com
Action Canada fellows: homeworkorcare.ca
Vanier Institute: Report on Young Carers in Canada
Elder Caring- The Caregiver Project: eldercaring.ca/the-caregiver-project
The Family Caregiver: thefamilycaregiver.com
CARERS UK- The voice of carers: carersuk.org
Include Programme: youngcarer.com
The Princess Royal Trust for Carers: carers.org
Carers Trust: professionals.carers.org/young-carers/
Young Carers Net: youngcarers.net
Young Carers Research Group Loughborough University: ycrg.org.uk
Action Canada fellows: homeworkorcare.ca
Vanier Institute: Report on Young Carers in Canada
Elder Caring- The Caregiver Project: eldercaring.ca/the-caregiver-project
The Family Caregiver: thefamilycaregiver.com
CARERS UK- The voice of carers: carersuk.org
Include Programme: youngcarer.com
The Princess Royal Trust for Carers: carers.org
Carers Trust: professionals.carers.org/young-carers/
Young Carers Net: youngcarers.net
Young Carers Research Group Loughborough University: ycrg.org.uk
Additional Young Carers Programs
In Canada
- Young Carers Canada website: youngcarerscanada.ca
- The Powerhouse Project: powerhouseproject.ca
- Youth Caregivers Project: youthcaregivers.org
- Comox Valley Youth as Caregivers: comoxvalleyyouthascaregivers.org
- Young Carers Project: youngcarersproject.ca
- The Children's Society: childrenssociety.org.uk
- Just for Kids and Teens! Siblings Australia – for kids and teens with a sibling with special needs and illness: siblingsaustralia.org.au
- Dundee Carers Centre Young Carers Project: youngcarers.co.uk
- Winchester Young Carers: wycp.org.uk
- Gloucestershire Young Carers: glosyoungcarers.org.uk
- Sheffield Young Carers: sheffieldyoungcarers.org.uk
Illness Related Links
- Just for Kids and Teens! ALS411 – Information on ALS: als411.ca
- Just for Kids and Teens! Kidshealth information on ALS: kidshealth.org
- ALS Society of Canada: als.ca
- Gilda's Club Toronto – for families affected by cancer: gildasclubtoronto.org
- Canadian Cancer Society: cancer.ca
- Just for Kids! Blood Counts Information for Kids – find out how your body works!: nursing.iowau.edu
- Just for Kids! The Adventures of Captain Chemo: royalmarsden.org.uk
- Just for Teens! The Aventures of Captain Chemo: royalmarsden.org.uk
- Just for Siblings! SuperSibs: The Sib Spot: supersibs.org
- Just for Kids and Teens! Kidshealth information on cancer: kidshealth.org
- Just for Kids and Teens! Kidshealth information on breast cancer: kidshealth.org
- Now What – Information on cancer and how to deal with the feelings that go along with it:nowwhat.org.au
- Nanny Angel Network – Free, specialized, in-home childcare for moms with cancer: nannyangelnetwork.com
- Camp Oochigeas: ooch.org
- Camp Trillium: camptrillium.com
- Candlelighters Canada: candlelighters.ca
- Cleaning for a Reason – complementary house cleaning for women undergoing treatment for cancer: cleaningforareason.org
- Just for Kids and Teens! Kidshealth information on Cerebral Palsy: kidshealth.org
- Just for YOUths – for siblings and youth with CP: tccp.com.au
- The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy: ofcp.ca
- Just for Teens! Live Positive – information and support for teens living with HIV/AIDS:livepositive.ca
- Toronto People Living with AIDS Foundation: pwatoronto.org
- Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ontario, Toronto Chapter: mssociety.ca/toronto
- Just for Kids! MS Society of Canada Website for Kids: msforkids.com
- Just for Teens! MS Society of Canada Website for Teens: msforteens.com
Mental Health and Addiction related links
Mental Health
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: camh.net
- Alzheimer's Society of Toronto: alzheimertoronto.org
- Canadian Mental Health Association: toronto.cmha.com
- Just for Kids and Teens! KidsHealth information on Alzheimer's Disease: kidshealth.org
- Just for Kids and Teens! KidsHealth information on Bipolar Disorder: kidshealth.org
- Just for Kids and Teens! KidsHealth information on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: kidshealth.org
- Just for Kids and Teens! It's Alright – information and games on mental illness: itsallright.org
- Just for Kids and Teens! Alzheimer's Association: alz.org
- Theravive: https://www.theravive.com/cities/
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: camh.net
- DrugRehab information for teens on Drug Abuse: drugrehab.com
- DrugRehab information for teens on Drug Abuse prevention: drugrehab.com
Disability related links
- Just for Kids and Teens! KidsHealth on Learning Difficulties: kidshealth.org
- Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital: hollandbloorview.ca
- Developmental Services Toronto – Resources for anyone living with a family member with a disability: dsto.ca
- Brain Injury Society of Toronto: bist.ca
- Autism Central – a central location for information sharing and resources on ASD and developmental disabilities in Canada: autismcentral.ca
- Visual Pictures for Communicating: elearning.autism.net
- Links to Toronto Services for Children and Families with Special Needs: toronto.ca
- ConnectABILITY An online resource for families and their child with special needs: connectability.ca
- Parents as Partners – Online list of websites and resources for families of children with special needs: parents-as-partners.ca
- Caregiver Magazine: caregiver.com
- The Family Caregiver: www.thefamilycaregiver.com
- Developmental Services Toronto – online resource for families with a child with a developmental challenge: www.dsotoronto.com
- Centre for Independent Living Toronto – support and information network for parents living with a disability: cilt.ca
New to canada?
- Service Canada: servicecanada.gc.ca
- Access Alliance Multidisciplinary Service Organization: accessalliance.ca
- Interpreter services at Access Alliance Multidisciplinary Service Organization: accessalliance.ca
- Online English as a Second Language (ESL) activities and exercises with audio pronunciation: settlemenet.org
- Toronto District School Board Adult English as a Second Language Programs: tdsb.on.ca
- Toronto District School Board Newcomer Services for Youth: tdsb.on.ca
- Information on free language instruction in English and French: servicecanada.gc.ca
- CAMH Alone In Canada: 21 Ways to Make It Better: camh.net
Emotional Support links
- Kids Help Phone: kidshelpphone.ca
- Bereaved Families of Ontario – for individuals who have a grieving the death of a loved one: bfotoronto.ca
- Dr. Jay Children's Grief Centre – compassionate care, support and education for grieving children, youth and their families: drjaychildrensgriefcentre.ca
- Just for Teens and Young Adults! Mind Your Mind – Information, resources and tools for when you are feeling down: mindyourmind.ca
- Just for Kids! Dealing with Feelings – activities and videos about feelings: kidvision.org
- It's My Life – a website all about growing up: pbskids.org
Financial and other Practical Resources
- Child Disability Benefit: cra-arc.gc.ca
- Registered Disability Savings Plan: cra-arc.gc.ca
- Caregiving Benefits information: cra-arc.gc.ca
- Disability Benefits in Ontario: cleo.on.ca
- Disability Pensions: cleo.on.ca
- Registered Disabilities Savings Plan: cra-arc.gc.ca
- Financial Advocacy and Problem Solving Program – Free financial advice and services: 416 925 4363 ext. 103
- Assistive Devices Program - Information on receiving assistive devices for the home for a person with a disability: health.gov.on.ca
- Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program for Persons with Disabilities - Information on receiving assistance to make physical changes to a home for a person with a disability: cmhcschl.gc.ca
- Grocery Delivery – from Longo's Food Market: grocerygateway.com
- Grocery Delivery: mrcase.com
- Telehealth - free, confidential telephone service that provides free health advice and general health information from a registered nurse (R.N.) 24 hours per day, 7 days a week: 1-866-797-0000
- Home Library Service: torontopubliclibrary.ca
other helpful resources in the gta
- Community Care Access Centre: ccac-ont.ca
- St James Town Youth Network: ysm.ca
- Ronald McDonald House Toronto: rmhtoronto.org
- Central Toronto Youth Services: ctys.org
- St. Alban's Boys and Girls Club: stalbansclub.ca
- Boys and Girls Club of East Scarborough: esbgc.org
- Big Brothers Big Sisters Toronto: bbbst.com
- Project Beam On: projectbeamon.com
- Kidsport – support to children in order to remove financial barriers that prevent them from playing organized sport: kidsportcanada.ca
Find out relevant information on all kinds of conditions, disabilities and illnesses, including autism, diabetes, epilepsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, heart disease, Parkinson's disease, stroke and more at: kidshealth.org